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using the same user and password you have created when you registered on the platform. You will find the video lessons in the section “Masterclass” of the platform.
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Comune di Bolzano
Comune di Albi
ErasmusBUS subscription
Fiera Milano Media e Business International
Copeam and European Investment Bank
PRIVACY STATEMENT AS PER ART. 13 OF THE EU REGULATION 2016/679 * * * La MAG S.r.l., based in Rome (Italy), Corso Vittorio Emanuele II n. 39 (Tax Code Nr. 13010231002), in its capacity of “Holder of the Treatment”, in compliance with art. 13 of the EU Regulation 2016/679, communicates you that it will record your personal data (identification data, e-mail account, subscription to convention agreed between the Holder and a third party, fiscal code, V.A.T. number and fiscal domicile), you entered in the form to register to the e-learning platform or collected at the conclusion of the contract, exclusively to comply with contract obligations, to perform the computer-based authentication in the restricted area of the e-learning platform and to deliver the selected course, to comply with other legal obligations connected to accounting or taxation purposes. The Holder does not treat personal data related to the payment mode you chose. Your personal data may be communicated to the “Agenzia delle Entrate”, based on what is envisaged by the legal regulations currently in force, or to the contracting body that concluded the agreement at your benefit, in order to check the fair compliance with the contract obligations. Your personal data will be kept for the whole duration of the contract and upon its conclusion they will stored up to the expiry of the barring-periods as per art. 2946 of the Italian Civil Code and later on deleted. In all these cases, it is not required to get your consent. In addition, we inform you of the fact that you have a right to request the Holder: 1. Correction of incorrect personal data related to him; 2. Integration of the incomplete ones; 3. Elimination of these data if they were illicitly treated or if their elimination is necessary to comply with legal obligations; 4. Limitation of the treatment of only the personal data related to him of which the concerned person does not deny the correctness, waiting for the conclusion of checks on the denied ones and being accordingly informed before the above-mentioned limitation is removed; 5. Return of the provided personal data, in a structured format, of common use and readable by an automatic device, or the transmission of them to another holder of the treatment, also in a direct way, if technically feasible. The personal data that were not provided by the concerned person and those treated for the performance of task of public interest or connected to public powers of which the Holder of the treatment is responsible are excluded. Any requests can be submitted to the Holder by calling the following numbers: tel. +39 06 69.20.761 or sending an e-mail to: . MAG Srl will assure a follow-up to any request of the concerned person with no unjustified delay and, anyway, within a month from its reception. This term can be extended to maximum two months and it will be up to the Holder to communicate to the concerned person the extension and the reasons for the delay, within a month from the reception of the request. In the case where the requests of the concerned person may be groundless or excessive, particularly for their reiterative character, the Holder has a right to charge a fee for the relative expenses or even reject the request. In case the concerned person deems that the treatment involving him infringes the EU Regulation 2016/679 or that the Holder did not comply with its obligations related to the exercise of the above-mentioned rights, he has a right, as per art. 77 of the same Regulation, to submit a claim to the Supervisory Authority, based in the Member State, where he usually resides or works or to that one that is based in the place where the possible infringement occurred. Any other administrative or jurisdictional claim is excluded.
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