MAG Multimedia Academic Global

Erasmus Plus - Strategic Partnership - a European Commission Funding Programme

IoE-EQ - Activities and Results

O7 - Supporting platform

Leader: Madan Parque
Co-leader: MAG

The output consists in the implementation of the project supporting platform, including the public area of the website, the e-learning platform, the webinar area and the demonstrators area. The output also includes the production of several dissemiantion materials.

• O7/A1 - Project web platform and tools
• O7/A2 - Dissemination and research outputs


Working documents are available in the cloud Partners Area, accessible only to project partners.
Public materials will be published in this area.

Last Events

Kick-off Meeting: November 2019 - Bordeaux (France)

You can find more info (and pictures) of events and project meetings in our Facebook Page


Next Event

Second Partners' Meeting: May 2020 - Rome (Italy)


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