UNINETTUNO and COPEAM, thanks to the support of the EIB - European Investment Bank, launch the international e-learning course “Reporting Climate Change”. This innovative training opportunity is open to TV, radio and press journalists from the MENA region, the Balkans and the sub-Saharan Africa, and it aims at reinforcing their knowledge and reporting skills about the current sustainable development challenges and the impact of climate change.
Several international experts – from the academic, scientific and media sectors – are involved in the course’s modules to deliver video-lessons (available in English, French and Arabic), to talk about case-studies and in-the-field experiences, to provide a rich multimedia supporting material about key-issues such as climate change, water security, energy transition, sustainability, environmental crimes.
At the end of the training programme, the participating journalists having completed the course will receive a certificate of completion co-signed by the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, COPEAM and the European Investment Bank.